COMING SOON - Murder Insured


Crime & Gangster Drama

Murder Insured by J. Stephen Reid

Thousands of large Corporations in the United States insure millions of employees for billions of dollars. This is lifetime coverage on employees, even after they leave the firm, and the companies are the beneficiaries.

This thriller imagines that a greedy executive in charge of this program for a large New York Bank conceives and executes a program to enrich himself, and fulfill his company duties, by utilizing a long-time Mafia acquaintance to selectively kill retired executives, and make it appear that their deaths are due to natural causes.

This plan works effectively for several years until a curious young actuary notices an unusual death rate at that particular bank, and is drawn into a pursuit of the perpetrator by an unexpected event which aligns him with a crafty NTSB inspector and a beautiful FBI agent who confront the banker. The Banker’s panic prompt’s his mafia contact to decide he must be terminated.

There are many twists and turns in this story’s arc, which lead to brutal justice.

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Crime & Gangster Drama

Murder Insured by J. Stephen Reid

Thousands of large Corporations in the United States insure millions of employees for billions of dollars. This is lifetime coverage on employees, even after they leave the firm, and the companies are the beneficiaries.

This thriller imagines that a greedy executive in charge of this program for a large New York Bank conceives and executes a program to enrich himself, and fulfill his company duties, by utilizing a long-time Mafia acquaintance to selectively kill retired executives, and make it appear that their deaths are due to natural causes.

This plan works effectively for several years until a curious young actuary notices an unusual death rate at that particular bank, and is drawn into a pursuit of the perpetrator by an unexpected event which aligns him with a crafty NTSB inspector and a beautiful FBI agent who confront the banker. The Banker’s panic prompt’s his mafia contact to decide he must be terminated.

There are many twists and turns in this story’s arc, which lead to brutal justice.

Crime & Gangster Drama

Murder Insured by J. Stephen Reid

Thousands of large Corporations in the United States insure millions of employees for billions of dollars. This is lifetime coverage on employees, even after they leave the firm, and the companies are the beneficiaries.

This thriller imagines that a greedy executive in charge of this program for a large New York Bank conceives and executes a program to enrich himself, and fulfill his company duties, by utilizing a long-time Mafia acquaintance to selectively kill retired executives, and make it appear that their deaths are due to natural causes.

This plan works effectively for several years until a curious young actuary notices an unusual death rate at that particular bank, and is drawn into a pursuit of the perpetrator by an unexpected event which aligns him with a crafty NTSB inspector and a beautiful FBI agent who confront the banker. The Banker’s panic prompt’s his mafia contact to decide he must be terminated.

There are many twists and turns in this story’s arc, which lead to brutal justice.